excerpts from



translated and compiled by anne carson

                     ]I can
            ]would be for me
            ]to shine in answer
                     ]having been stained
                     Some men say an army of horse
                     and some men say an army on foot
                     and some men say an army of ships 
                     is the most beautiful thing on the black earth.

                     But I say it is 
                                 what you love

      ] ] 
      ] ] 
      goatherd] longing] sweat] ] 
      ] ] 
      roses] ] 
                      dream of black                                                 
                      you come roaming and when sleep  

                      sweet god, terribly from pain             
                      to hold the strength separate            

                      but I expect not to share                 
                      nothing of the the blessed ones 
                      for I would not be like this

                      but may it happen to me
                       but I to you of a white goat

                       and I will pour wine over

                  ]at the same time

       do not move stones
        neither for me honey
        nor the honey bee
        someone will remember us
                        I say
                        even in another time
       wealth without virtue is no harmless neighbor